10th Workshop on Computing within Limits
June 18-19 2024 (Online)

Background photo: A narrow passage way between two modern industrial buildings, boarded up with weathered wooden planks and barbed wire. The characters "LIMITS." are written in red spray paint over the planks.*

About LIMITS 2024

The LIMITS workshop concerns the role of computing in human societies situated in a world of limits*. As an interdisciplinary group of researchers, practitioners, and scholars, we seek to reshape the computing research agenda, grounded by an awareness that contemporary computing research is intertwined with ecological limits in general, and climate- and climate justice-related limits in particular. LIMITS 2024 solicits submissions that move us closer towards computing that support diverse human and non-human lifeforms and thriving biospheres.

* For example, limits of extractive logics, limits to a biosphere's ability to recover, limits to our knowledge, or limits to technological "solutions".


In 2024, LIMITS will be a virtual, distributed workshop. We welcome participants to organize local gatherings or "LIMITS-hubs" that encourage community-building and sharing of infrastructure. Reach out to Jan Tobias Mühlberg ( if interested.


Please register at this link if you plan on attending LIMITS ‘24, June 18-19 (virtual). Attendance is free. Registration is required for all attendees in order for us to send you the connection link and any schedule updates.

Workshop Schedule

June 18, 2024


8:00 PDT / 17:00 CEST LIMITS welcome
8:30 PDT / 17:30 CEST Paper Session 1: Digital Futures within Limits
How digital will the future be? Analysis of prospective scenarios
Aurélie Bugeau, Anne-Laure Ligozat
Computing, Degrowth and Complexity : Systemic Considerations for Digital De-escalation
Valentin Girard, Maud Rio, Romain Couillet
Digital Sobriety: from Tips to Values
Nicolas Szilas
Reverse Panel / Break Out
9:35 PDT / 18:35 CEST Break
9:45 PDT / 18:45 CEST Paper Session 2: Limits in Education
Towards designing symbiotic university-adjacent sustainability-focused computing cooperatives as edge spaces for navigating transition: an imaginary and initial feasibility analysis
Greg L. Nelson
What do we Teach when Teaching More-than-human Perspectives in Computing and Technology Design Education? – An Emerging Pedagogical Framework
Elisabet M. Nilsson, Rikke Hagensby Jensen, Anne-Marie Hansen, Tilde Bekker, Daisy Yoo, Eva Eriksson
Interaction design pedagogy for digital degrowth: lessons learned from student inquiry
Cathryn Ploehn, Carla Garcia Leija, Grace Park, Chloe Kim
Reverse Panel / Break Out
10:50 PDT / 19:50 CEST Break
11:00 PDT / 20:00 CEST Group Discussion / Break Out: Teaching Limits
12:00 PDT / 21:00 CEST End of Day 1

June 19, 2024


8:00 PDT / 17:00 CEST Paper Session 3: Computing for the Energy Transition
Windternet: Designing grid-liberated servers for regenerative energy communities
Eric Snodgrass, Helen Pritchard, Miranda Moss, Daniel Gustafsson, Jorge Luis Zapico
Fake Dashboards Result in Fake Insights: The Challenges of Prototyping Energy Dashboards
Christina Bremer, Christian Remy, Adrian Friday
Energy Experience Design
Brian Sutherland
Reverse Panel / Break Out
9:05 PDT / 18:05 CEST Break
9:15 PDT / 18:15 CEST Paper Session 4: Speculative Designs within Limits
Limits at a Distance: Design Directions to Address Psychological Distance in Climate Policy Decisions
Eshta Bhardwaj, Han Qiao, Christoph Becker
Exploring post-neoliberal futures for managing commercial heating and cooling through speculative praxis
Oliver Bates, Christian Remy, Kieran Cutting, Adam Tyler, Adrian Friday
Reverse Panel / Break Out
10:05 PDT / 19:05 CEST Break
10:15 PDT / 19:15 CEST Group Discussion / Break Out
11:30 PDT / 20:30 CEST LIMITS closing
12:00 PDT / 21:00 CEST End of Day 2

Call For Papers

We welcome scholarship by researchers, engineers, designers, and artists who are investigating and/or (re)designing computing systems that engage with pressing ecological and social issues.

We invite works that build on previous LIMITS work, such as provocations from earlier LIMITS gatherings (e.g., Unplanned Obsolescence, LIMITS 2017), that broadens the understanding of LIMITS (e.g., Age of Consequences, LIMITS 2015), that explores our own limits (e.g., Computing within Psychological Limits, LIMITS 2015), that explores strategies for working in a LIMITed world (e.g., Limits-aware computing, LIMITS 2015), or that design and/or build transitional systems (e.g., Solar-powered website, LIMITS 2021). Transitional Systems attempt to (re) design, implement, and/or evaluate a real-world or hypothetical socio-technical computing system in response to "implications for design" raised by earlier LIMITS papers or LIMITS-related scholarship in the areas of computing and sustainability, computing and climate-justice.

We also encourage authors to envision and submit research on Hypothetical Systems, i.e., proposals for hypothetical computing system or artifact (either software, hardware, or some combination) that embodies LIMITS thinking. Who would use this system? Who might benefit from engaging with the system? Who might be harmed? How are the premises (conceptual or concrete) upon which the system is built different from our current computing systems? How does the LIMITS-informed system enact a different world or ways of being in the world?

We also encourage authors to consider the stories they tell and reify through their work. As Costanza-Chock reminds us, "Stories have power". They ask us to consider, "(...) what stories are told about design problems, solutions, contexts, and outcomes? Who gets to tell these stories? Who participates, who benefits, and who is harmed?" (Costanza-Chock 2020 p. 134)

Key Dates

Paper submission deadline: March 29 April 2nd, 2024, 11:59pm AOE
Paper reviews available: April 26, 2024
Camera ready deadline: May 31, 2024
LIMITS Workshop: June 18-19, 2024


Register and submit papers at this site. (If you have any issues with the submission site, please email

Papers should adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Papers should be in ACM double-column format, using the most recent template, but without ACM copyright information.
  • You achieve this by using
    from the downloaded archive as a base for your paper, and modify the header as follows:
    %% Rights management information.  This information is sent to you
    %% when you complete the rights form.  These commands have SAMPLE
    %% values in them; it is your responsibility as an author to replace
    %% the commands and values with those provided to you when you
    %% complete the rights form.
    %% These commands are for a PROCEEDINGS abstract or paper.
    \acmConference[LIMITS '24]{Tenth Workshop on Computing within Limits}{June
    18--19, 2024}{Online}
    You can further remove the CCS concepts from your submission by commenting out the CCSXML and \ccsdesc lines.
  • The body of the paper should be a minimum of 5 pages and a maximum of 10 pages, with an unlimited number of pages allowed for references.

Reviewing will be non-blind; authors should include their names and contact information and reviews will include reviewer names.

All papers will be made freely available on the workshop website. Copyright will remain with the authors.


Program Committee

Christoph Becker, University of Toronto,
Roy Bendor, Delft University of Technology,
Eli Blevis, Indiana University,
Alan Borning, University of Washington,
Miriam Börjesson Rivera, Uppsala University,
Jay Chen, ICSI,
Teresa Cerratto Pargman, Stockholm University,
Elina Eriksson, KTH Royal Institute of Technology,
Lou Grimal, Hochschule Darmstadt,
Shaddi Hasan, Virginia Tech,
Kurtis Heimerl, University of Washington, (co-chair)
Fieke Jansen, University of Amsterdam,
Srinjoy Mitra, University of Edinburgh,
Jan Tobias Mühlberg, Université libre de Bruxelles, (co-chair)
Lisa Nathan, University of British Columbia,
Vineet Pandey, University of Utah,
Daniel Pargman, KTH Royal Institute of Technology,
Barath Raghavan, USC,
June Salou, Delft University of Technology,
Brian Sutherland, University of Toronto,
Dawn Walker, University of Toronto,

Background Photo

The background photo for LIMITS 2024 by Jan Tobias Muehlberg is licensed under CC BY 4.0